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How can you develop Change and Leadership in corona time? How can you cut costs with empathy, keep the momentum and agility from the crisis response, and build trust? What can you do?

How can you develop the Culture in corona time? Look for the positive individuals and teams in your organization - and learn from them.

Like it or not, as a modern, independent individual, you might play a tribal role in your organizational system. What’s possible in different positions?

The Corona or Covid-19 pandemic causes disruptive change. Let's look at some practical tips to cope with the new reality of working at home, collaboration in virtual meetings, and staying positive.

The Corona or Covid-19 pandemic causes disruptive change. Reflection on personal development and opening up, on what is emerging, what we can let go of, what our team's purpose is, and how we contribute to the whole.

The DISC behavior styles help to understand yourself and others. Accommodate your style to better collaborate with others. What’s your preferred style at work? And does that match the culture? 

Do you have conversations that matter? How lonely do you feel? What's your work culture like? Connection is a superpower that benefits both you and your organization. It's time to make the time!

A great ingredient of a positive, successful culture is "diversity and inclusion". Diversity and inclusion lift the financial bottom line, but: It only works if you work it.

You’re in a relationship with co-workers: others that are different than you. How do you and the others at work cope with differences? Culture is about relating to co-workers. How do you do that?

Ethical Culture at work

20 January 2020

How many people does it take to change the corporation's strategy? Check out these four ethical tests - and see how you can influence others for the better. Read more about an Ethical Culture at work.

The best on culture and leadership: If you like to spend some December downtime on reflection, reading, and recharging, read the seven best leadership articles of this past year. What will you do next year?

Positive Teams and People: Purpose. Why are you here? The question for purpose may fuel yourself and your team. What gives you energy? What makes you come alive? That's why you are here.