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A few recent experiences with large corporations made me think about power. I had to comply and adjust to one organization’s procedures - or they weren’t allowed to hire me.

Do you want a positive difference? If so: Download our collection to make a positive difference!

Or: why Information & Energy need to flow freely

Do you know those few, famous examples of extraordinary workplaces where people thrive… versus the Dilbert-like top-down hierarchies where people suffer or

Can we create organizations free of the pathologies that show up all too often in the workplace?

As the year is drawing to a close and we’re looking forward to a winter or summer break (depending on your part of the world) - it’s time to reflect on our experiences so far and explore our intentions for next year.

There’s a new way of organizing and collaborating emerging around the globe – as Frederic Laloux shows in his book Reinventing Organizations.

There’s something broken in how we run organizations today. Polls about happiness at work show that 60-75% of people are disengaged.

I spent two weeks in South Africa where I was invited to provide my Culture Change Leadership Workshop to South African consultants and HR managers.

Why are you a leader, a change-maker or a professional in your field? It’s a question that becomes en vogue. Or, should I say, a certain type of answer becomes the standard.

Fear and courage are incredibly important in our lives: Joseph Campbell captured the archetypical “journey of the hero” as the central theme in human storytelling around the world.